747 Healed + 1055 Saved + 404 Trained = Miracle Awakening. Fast highlights of 7 videos of Jan&Feb Colombia. Watch Gang Revival, Extreme Miracles by youth, Kids Healing door to door, Street healings. Kids doing the healing in churches. Churches instantly exploding with growth.
95% were instantly healed, 95% by those we just trained to heal the sick, Mostly on the Streets & by Youth!
“A miracle is that easy!?!” and “No pill can remove pain that fast”
Come on a trip with us & you will do Extreme Healings everyday & see true Revival, July 22 in Colombia. Experience new passion for Jesus & people as you are immersed in his Love & Power. You are Unlimited! Be the light & watch darkness flee! Arise Shine, His Glory is on YOU!
We Guarantee if you come with us you WILL heal the sick and see many miracles. Guaranteed. VIEW NEXT TRIPS:
THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR YOU. Sons of God, Reveal yourselves Rom8:19.
NOW IS THE TIME TO GO ! Jesus already said 5 times the Great Commission = GO INTO ALL THE WORLD & Preach, make Disciples and Teach.
God is pouring His Spirit out on all flesh.
Come with us and help us reap this Abundant Harvest!
Help us Reach More, Change More Lives, Transform Nations & Populate Heaven. Great is your Reward.
https://i0.wp.com/goharvesting.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Video-Miracle-Awakening-e1490932244175.png?fit=700%2C393&ssl=1393700GoAdminhttp://goharvesting.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/go-harvesting-logo-header-gold-300x61.pngGoAdmin2017-03-30 23:47:032017-03-30 23:59:53Miracle Awakening – Colombia Jan& Feb – 747 Healed by those we just trained!
5,237 gave their lives to Jesus. Populating Heaven!
1,236 instantly healed & demonstrating they were healed.
504 people trained and healed the sick.
95% of our results this year were done by those we just trained to win souls & heal the sick.
95% of those ministered to were in public, on the streets, outside the church.
95% of those prayed for were instantly healed. 4% felt change & something happening.
This proves it is not a “special healing gift” on me, but teaching people their identity, who they are and what they can do with Jesus inside of them.
Video at the Bottom of this page of 2016 trips.
What God has called to do is unique, powerful, leaving a trail of revival & people in love with Jesus!
Highest Results. Shocking Miracles. Greatest Impact. Most Healings. Glory to Glory! Check out these highlights.
3 people that could not walk at all got out of their wheelchairs and walked freely. One was a 10 yr old girl had not stood up in 3 months. Another was an old lady with a broken hip waiting for an operation, felt the bones going back in place, the pain was gone and she got up free!
a 5 year old boy who had never used his legs, never crawled or stood up, after prayer, stood & walked.
At many schools, we had kids that had just gotten saved lay hands on their friends who needed healing, they were both shocked and excited when the pain left and they were healed.
A 15 year old boy wanted to see a miracle. I said see one? Lets go do one. We found a lady in a wheelchair half paralyzed by a stroke. He prayed, she moved both lets and he helped her up to walk. The next lady had a tumor that disappeared when he prayed. He realized God could use him even as a kid.
Girl with fibromyalgia, had to stop her job & college, went into the hospital for a month and couldn’t even feed herself, all pain left, could bend, jump and move her fingers freely.
Many places we had the sick pray for the sick and both were healed.
Trained churches then took them out on the street. So many testimonies by those who had never laid hands on the sick before. Man with Lupas for 16 years with pain in legs and chest, instantly gone. Lady with 5 operations could barely move her neck, could move freely with no pain. 30 year old lady was alway in pain from a back accident when she was 5, all pain gone and moving freely + 100s more
Went to a church that after 2 years had only 13 people. We trained them and in 1 hour they went door to door and saw 31 instant healings and 26 people saved. The church exploded.
People called from both sides of the street “Come over here and pray for us” after training a group in street healing. After people were healed they ran to get others to be healed then called us to come back and pray. This happened to 2 groups trying to go down the street.
Another church plant after 6 months had only 5 people. After training them in Power Evangelism they have 40 people on fire.
A discouraged church had 15 people after 5 years. As we visited a home before the service we prayed for 2 people who were healed. They ran to get others needing healing, 3 more were healed. Word spread so at church there were 60 people, some even looking in the windows, many more were healed. One man about 50 years old who had never been to church said “I never believed in God, but after seeing my wife healed, now I do” and he gave his life to Jesus!
Thousands of people were Extremely Transformed and they are continuing to share the good things God has done for them! Plus over 5000 new souls will be Heaven one day. You will meet these people in Heaven and they will thank you forever for sending us to bring salvation to them! Romans 10:14-15 How can they believe unless they hear? How can they hear without a preacher? How can one preach unless he is sent?
Thank you for your love, prayers and support that made this happen.
We see many missions groups doing good things, giving food, buildings, medical, water wells… but almost no body is winning souls. It takes more than seeing Jesus in your eyes to build the kingdom and rescue souls from hell. Some are winning souls, but lack discipleship to sustain long term growth. And big time ministries have a big following, big budgets, ministering to those already in church and only a small percentage goes to the Great Commission to win the world to Jesus.
WHEN WE LEAVE THE GROWTH CONTINUES bec we are always discipling & training others. They have been taught their identity, who they are and what they can do with Jesus inside of them.
2017 we go have 4 trips of 1 – 2 months each to:
Colombia, Ecuador, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Colombia again, South Africa & Zambia.
PRAY FOR US! Our Results Doubled last year, even though we had to cancel 2 trips. But Thailand & Africa are still begging us come. Incredible doors are open for us . The Harvesting is easy!
PLEASE PRAY for provision, partners & laborers to work with us so we can more effectively reach these 7 nations!!!
* We need more people on these team trips to help us win souls. the harvest is ready, but the laborers are few. Pray for laborers to join us.
* Monthly partners so we can have consistent income to make plans. We live on miracle provision.
WE PLAN THESE TRIPS THAT COST $4,000 – $8,000 EACH WITH ONLY $512 OF KNOWN MONTHLY SUPPORT. The rest is variable & miracles.
Thank you for being a miracle, variable or monthly partner. You make these results happen. These results go to your eternal account.
http://goharvesting.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/go-harvesting-logo-header-gold-300x61.png00GoAdminhttp://goharvesting.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/go-harvesting-logo-header-gold-300x61.pngGoAdmin2016-12-31 17:36:502017-02-01 10:10:55Best Year Yet! What makes it so Incredible? What makes us so Unique? Church Explosions & Amazing Miracles
Summer Missions Intensive in 3 countries & 7 cities = 481 People were instantly Healed & 577 gave their lives to Jesus by 279 believers we trained to get out of the church & share Gods love!
We focused on training people to heal the sick on the street, get immediate results to open their hearts to become a child of God! Their lives were EXTREMELY CHANGED. Thank you Lord Jesus!
Youth groups, home groups & churches exploded with 2x or 3x growth instantly JUST by SHARING the LOVE with POWER & Demonstration. They were set on fire with passion for souls, miracles & Gods presence just by going out & being shown how easy it is.
We Go Make Disciples = do what Jesus did and train others to do the same. We saw many people who just gave their lives to Jesus pray and heal the sick. Then those just healed pray and heal someone else. They think thats what Christians always do… witness, heal the sick & share the Love of God with everyone. Fear not little flock, it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom!
Lets Go! Truly the Harvest is Great, but the laborers few, pray to send laborers into the fields. Luke10:2
VACATION with a PURPOSE ! Join us some time: Visited 3 countries, eat exotic food, rent motorcycles, Impact nations, heal the sick, win souls, populate Heaven, helping & sacrificing for others. It’s life changing!
A 13 year old girl on a missions trip told her dad “This is a fun family vacation”.
Thank you for sowing into the Great Commission: to Disciple & Harvest the Nations!! This is your harvest.
Great is your reward!
https://i0.wp.com/goharvesting.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Brazil-girl-prays-for-sick-Play.png?fit=1401%2C787&ssl=17871401GoAdminhttp://goharvesting.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/go-harvesting-logo-header-gold-300x61.pngGoAdmin2016-08-30 17:03:102017-01-12 14:49:382016 Summer: Amazon, Peru, Brazil + 7 cities in Colombia
Watch a 10 year old paralyzed girl stand for the first time in 3 months, then walk free. Please Share this good news.
3 weeks in Peru, like Living The Book of Acts & walking w Jesus everyday.
3568 Salvations & 388 Instant Healings. Thank you Jesus!
In the Jungles and the Andes mountains, the team ministered in 3 park crusades, on the streets, in schools & churches. Teaching people to lay hands on the sick & see them healed.
We can teach you to do the same. kickstart.You’ve got to come experience this on one of our Next Trips.
Thank you for sowing into the Harvest, Eternity & the Great Commission.
If you gave into this abundant harvest, Great is your reward… Now & forever.
If not, get in on the next one, Luke10:2 Send laborers into the harvest field bec the laborers are few. Keep us out in the fields! We are blessed, God provides! Anyone else you know getting this kind of results for $3/soul to populate heaven? You Sow = We Go!
BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE were ushered into eternity by the Father’s Love. Their lives are changed forever, now free, loved, valuable & blessed. On this trip to Africa we ministered to 745 people, trained 185 leaders, led 73 to Jesus & saw 24 healed. Thank you for being a part of this eternal work.
WILD LIFE: I was surprised at the wildlife seen starting just outside the city. Many monkeys and wart hogs running across the road plus some giraffes, antelopes & mongoose. Pastor Kimo Bethea from Fla. & I had flown into Johannesburg, S Africa. Drove 4 hours to Botswana border then 1 hour on dirt road to where the Bible school base & farm had been for 10 years. Left early at 3:am, drove 8 hours + 2 hr at border customs. Took a ferry across river to Zambia where the property is that we will be camping at for the next 5 days.
CAMPING? Wasn’t expecting camping, specially in Africa. We spent 3 hours putting up the tents and the temporary cook station. Fortunately the bathroom had already been built except the roof, so we showered by the light of a full moon. Nice. Nice and cold too. The temp is good, 75-80, in the day. Woke up in the night freezing at 50 deg. Had to put on 2 pair of pants and 4 shirts to warm up.
Play Video 2:56
BUSH BIBLE SCHOOL: A space was cleared under the trees so we could teach in the shade. The property is 8 acres given by the chief for Livingston Missions Center, the new Bible School base. They do a 6 month missions school plus train in business and farming. Graduates move into remote villages, bring in business or farming to bless the village people. This opens their hearts to receive the gospel. They start a church and duplicate the Bible school. Extremely effective. There are 20 LMC schools and the regional overseers were brought in for training and refreshing while we were there. They received so easily, entering right in to the glory of God.
EVANGELISM? My session was evangelism so I started with worship. Then talked about the verses: we are seated in heavenly places, and Citizens of heaven so Come boldly to throne of grace. As we worshiped in His presence, we received his peace, love, joy… We just stayed and delighted in Him. I told testimonies of how easy it is to pray and receive from there as we stayed in that place of God’s love, peace and acceptance. Many told how they were touched, got answers so easily and saw things they’d never seen before with God. Evangelism? Yeah. All ministry flows out of relationship and intimacy with God. In His presence you realize how loved you are. We love him bec he first loved us! Now we can go love our neighbor as yourself.
WITCH DOCTOR: Walked 45 min to village after teaching the team Treasure Hunting. Found our clues and ministered to many bringing freedom and healing. As a man walked near, they said “thats the witch doctor.” I ran to him, hugged him, said God loves you, you are valuable, important and are created for a purpose. He didn’t receive, but God loved on him.
As we threw around a beach ball, 60 children came running. The team was out hunting so we did a kids crusade. In total, 40 were saved and 15 healed. Walked 45 min back to our camp site in the dark. Awesome. Fortunately no lions are near here.
Saw Victoria falls which is 3 times bigger than Niagara Falls. It is dry season so the falls were low. Got bunk beds for the tents. Saw some baboons, giraffes and 4 elephants on side of road. That’s cool.
KINGDOM CULTURE: Next we went to Lusaka, Zambia, then flew back to S. Africa to Pretoria then to Kimberly. There Kimo did LaRed training to Govt, business & church leaders to create Kingdom Culture to impact their nation long term! Everyone that did a “round table” loved the quick results and wanted to start the program.
GIVING into ETERNITY: Lusaka is a modern city where Pastor Felix’s church is. He was with us the whole 3 weeks, organizing the events and connections. His Church of God church gives 80% of the income to missions & evangelism. Not 80% of the left over, but of the total that comes in. Thats why they are so blessed, effective and seeing God do amazing miracles. Their heart is on eternity.
SET ON FIRE: We did a Treasure Hunt teaching to the youth then took them to the mall to hunt. They were scared and timid, at first. After seeing the clues God had given them lead to real people, they saw how easy it was to approach people, share Jesus and pray for them. After 2 hours they wouldn’t stop. They keep going after people, even with just one clue, saying “You are God’s treasure!…” They were all so excited and shared wonderful testimonies. One girl who was the most timid in the beginning, kept telling her pastor testimonies and wouldn’t let him leave. She became so bold. They were on fire bec they saw God powerfully use them so easily.
CONFERENCES: Treasure Hunts did the same in Pretoria & Kimberly, the youth were set on fire for evangelism with power. All 3 pastors asked me to come back and do a city wide youth conference with all the churches together to empower their youth. So we will do 2 day conferences on Treasure Hunting, Hearing God, Prophecy & Healing the sick. We will teach a session then activate them in what they were just taught by taking them to the streets to watch it work as the word comes alive. Glory.
CAN’T STOP: Praise was extravagant yet sincere there lasting 1 to 2.5 hours. They entered so easily into the spirit, loving God with all their heart, soul, mind & strength. Even at night in a park after doing a street crusade, they spontaneously danced & praised for 1/2 hour. It was beautiful.
GREAT INCREASE: 2016 has 5 trips planned already. God is stretching us to spread this end time revival fire. Check it out at GoHarvesting.com/trips/next-trips & see how you can get involved.
This Peru trip caused one of the widest impacts bec we influenced so many areas of people & culture. As always, we ministered in Schools, in parks & did a city crusade seeing many come to Jesus and be healed. But also we bought dinner for 90 business people to teach them Biblical success principles, ministered to Gov’t, Military & church leaders. Did many upgrades to an orphanage by replacing a tiny plastic cracked sink w a tile counter top with stainless double sink and a 3 burner stove. We got them 2 nice tables so they can all eat together & to do school work on, built a large pantry & shelving then filled it w cookware & food, plus mattress & bedding. Turned the rocky steps to the back and bathroom into wide smooth concrete walk way. That was really hard work so we jumped in the river to clean off & cool off. The last day we were taken deep into the jungle mountains, on scary roads to the coffee farms to bless 50 farmers & workers on the first day of harvest.
Thousands of people are GIVING THANKS FOR YOU, for your Prayers & Support that make all this happen. Again, we Thank You. “Your deeds of kindness and benevolence will go on FOREVER”. 2Cor9:6-9. You see, You really do create a Ripple Effect on earth & eternity! Great is your reward!!
Check out this video to see the details. Woohoo! What fun being a laborer together w God (Eph5:1) watching His Love, Power & Word affect so many lives!
Come with us as we go back June 18-25, 2016 with a team to reach the 3 towns near by. We will take each town in a day by ministering in the schools, streets, parks then do a crusade in the town square that night. Then end with the 4th day in the central city of La Merced with a big crusade. We will reach thousands of souls that week and create a title wave Ripple Effect in the region and Eternity!! You gotta come.
! ! ! P l e a s e p r a y f o r u s ! ! !
God has opened to us more harvest fields in 2016, to win more souls & impact more lives. There are 5 trips planned next year which is way more than we can do alone. We need your help to bring in this Huge Harvest!
The harvest is ready, don’t wait. Pray to send laborers out to reap the harvest now. One sows, another reaps & together they celebrate the rewards! John 4:35-36
You can be a part of this Huge Harvest and see many lives changed & blessed. As you give, we reap the harvest for you, to your eternal account.
Lets go into all the world together. Go Harvesting Missions
What an amazing trip as we spent most of January and February 2015 in Honduras. We ministered to thousands, over 100 were healed drove through rivers to minister at remote schools, washed our clothes in the creek, ate iguana, our canoe tipped over, drank lots of coconut juice… Be sure to watch the other videos too.
We worked with a medical mission team going into 7 remote villages that have no access to hospitals or medical care. We were the prayer station to preach the gospel and heal the sick. We saw over 799 people come through the clinics and 239 people received Jesus and 111 people were instantly healing. We give God the glory. The team was 16 people from Canada & USA, plus 16 local Hondurans.
Just a few healing testimonies: a lady’s knees were in such a bad condition that 2 people helped her shuffle over to us, we prayed for her and she was completely healed and walked freely. Another man walking over with a crutch, had a stroke and his legs were uneven and when we prayed for him, he was completely healed and he left carrying his crutch. It was great to see the excitement on peoples faces and tears running down their faces as they were healed and filled with His glory. So many people were thankful that we were doing these medical clinics and praying station that they came to us and said “thank you for coming and helping us”. It was worth all the sacrifice of conveniences to be with these people and see them changed.
With the team, we also went to a women’s prison. Carla shared on God’s love abiding in them and that Love fulfill’s the law. If we have love, we don’t steal, kill or be angry. And that God loves them and they are still valuable. The women were so thankful that we had come and to share God’s love with them.
Its always an adventure as we road in a 4×4 truck crossing over 4 rivers to get to a one room school building. It was times when I was scared and wondered where we would drive and how were we going to cross the river, but with God’s grace all things are possible. The school building held Grades 1 – 5 with only 18 children and we were able to share the gospel, drama, and games with them. We also ministered in 2 other schools and it was so much fun doing drama and looking into their faces. They just laughed and smile so much. What fun the children were in receiving Jesus and for us to go to the ends of the earth to share with them.
Our trip also consisted of preaching in churches and home groups. One little girl kept sitting in my lap and constantly getting up and down but kept coming back to me. She was so hungry for love. What a joy to love on the children and for them to love you.
We also did children clubs in preaching the word and one little girl just came over and hugged me. The children are always seeking to be loved on. Not much attention or love is given at home. The clubs were full of activities and I loved doing drama with the locals. Also, it was fun making a circle and laughing and playing with the children with music. It was like Jesus having fun with his children and experiencing His love for them.
At the end we ministered to a church in El Progresso that was televised on Victory TV and then Fielding preached in the morning on their TV show that reached 500,000. Wow, a lot of people heard the gospel and were able also to say the salvation prayer.
God is a BIG God and He is always with us every where we go. Its always amazing sharing God’s love, power and glory to the ends of the earth.
Thank you for your love, prayers and support. Together you have equal rewards with us for lives being changed, healed and having eternal life.
Thank you for helping us GO and impacting the nations! The Ripple Effect created will continue through eternity!
Upcoming trips:
May 2-28 in Peru
We’ll be going back to the jungles to a city of 5000 people, doing a Pastor/Leadership conference with daily witnessing in every neighbor hood then have a crusade to impact the whole city. We’ll help establish an orphanage, Child Feeding Center, plus taking 4x4s into the deep jungle to reach some unreached tribes. there is still time to join us on this.
June 4-10 or 4-19 in Guatemala
The Tournament outreach was so successful last year, we will be doing it again, only bigger. We’ll put together a bicycle, skateboard and soccer tournament to minister to hard to reach teens. We will also be ministering to the abundance of children that come to the feeding centers and Bible Clubs. We need team members to help love on these children and reach the youth. Come on, only $940 plus airfare.
August-Sept in Columbia
We’ll be working with a thriving Bible school to help their graduates start churches by doing crusades and street ministry in major cities and unreached villages. We will be taking a team for a week, then staying another month to continue discipling the nation.
Your gift today, no matter the amount, can help us provide food and water and other basic necessities for impoverished families living in these Central and South American countries. Also education and training for pastors and church planters, and crusades to bring souls into eternity. That is the reason we sacrifice and do what we do.
You can also help us buy building materials to help build an orphanage and Feeding Center, host a tournament and conference, plus evangelize families by reaching out to hurting teens and kids with the amazing hope of Jesus Christ. We can personally tell you…the opportunity to reach the lost in these nations has never been greater.
Please pray and ask the Lord what He would have you give …then respond as He leads and obey His direction. Your gift today and your continuing support in the future…will enable us to deliver the vital help they need and lead many more thousands to the life-giving hope of Jesus Christ.
It was an amazing week of harvest in Peru with 19,466 people led to Jesus by 5 Global Ventures teams & night crusades. Our team led 4,348 to Christ & hundreds of healings in schools, parks & streets. Thank you for helping us reap this abundant harvest! Glory to God!
It was an extremely busy week partnering with John Smithwick Ministries Int’l and Global Ventures July 11-18, 2014 in the Andes Mountain cities of Huancayo, Sapallanga and Chupaca. We ministered in 4 to 7 places a day from 7am to 9:pm. We did a program that included a clown, drama and the gospel being presented to them. The people were open and received salvation and healing wherever we went. We would set up a speaker on a busy street corner, park or market and just begin to play music and invite them to listen to the great news we had to share. Then invite them to receive forgiveness and healing.
We ministered to a lot of teens and encouraging them that they were valuable and how to resist peer pressure and that God has a plan for their lives. One high school had 1,500 boys and we saw at least 800 raise their hands to receive Jesus. Everyday, kids loved to see us come as we also did games and loved on them. So many beautiful kids in Peru and lots of hugs from the kids.
Some of the miracles that we want to tell you about:
A man with cancer on his back said it was gone with no more pain.
An 8 year old girl came running to us crying saying that she had always had pain in both of her feet but now all of the pain was gone.
Another 8 year old girl was limping around in pain for 6 years, after prayer the pain was gone and went off running to play.
14 children came up for headaches, stomach aches leg or foot pain and all were healed.
many that couldn’t see well or hear, said they could see and hear clear
One little girl healed of epilespy. No more shaking of the head.
Other miracles in adults that were healed of shoulder and neck pain, tumors gone, female problems gone, gall bladder pain gone and a lady with cancer that her pain in her chest and under her right arm was gone.
Many teachers, eager for prayer, excitedly testified and demonstrated they were healed.
Hundreds more demonstrated they were healed. We dont take their word for it, we make them show us they can freely do what they couldnt do before.
Some of the best testimonies are from youth that have never prayed for the sick before and have little confidence in their prayers, yet they see God heal people anyway! God was doing amazing miracles and we give God the glory.
This has been an amazing trip to see so many people come into the Kingdom of God and be healed. Also, many teachers received the Lord and thanked us for coming. One teacher was praying that day that someone would come to their school and bring encouragement to them. Our team was an answer to her prayer.
Now that the team is gone, we’ll stay in Peru for 3 more weeks to help the pastors in following up on these precious souls who came to the crusades and filled out a form. We have been invited to teach at churches and train on how to follow-up and disciple these beautiful people.
Please continue to pray for our health, safety and provision. We thank you for helping us build His Kingdom for the fields are ripe for harvest. These eternal rewards are yours also!
We love you all so much!
Thank you for your love, prayers and support that keep us Go Harvesting the World, together!
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Last winter we were asked to come to Guatemala for almost 3 months to help Cross Culture Jesus train their new staff with our leadership qualities & experience. Every week we helped to disciple to over 200 children in Bible Clubs, schools and feeding programs, teaching the kids to worship and enter the presence of God, so Amazing!
The children are so hungry for love they come every week to hear the word of God, some walking over an hour to get there. As I was on my knees hugging every child as they came in, Sarah the founder said with teary eyes “That is the only loving hug many of these kids have ever gotten from a man”. God’s love is wonderful.
In mountain villages we did crusades in the dirt streets, sending whistle balloons & a beach ball in the air to draw the children. Prayed for the sick and watched God heal & bless.
Hiked the mountains to take groceries to 50 families in their homes made of scrap wood, dirt floors and beautiful filthy children, like this little 6 year old girl carrying wood on her head.
Hosted a missions team. At a public school we ministered to 1000 kids with drama, games & the gospel. Nearly all raised their hands to receive Jesus. The children came to hug the team with us and wouldn’t let go. It melted their hearts with the love that was flowing. They saw how easy it is to make a huge difference in peoples lives.
Thank you for partnering with us in discipling the nations. Great is your reward!
God is calling us to MORE to MULTIPLY and INCREASE!
More Time on the front lines of the Mission Field
More Crusades, Ministry, Healings & Souls
More People Experiencing the Presence of God
More Discipling Nations, Leaders & Children
More Teams taken to Mentor people in their calling
More Building Churches, Training Centers & Children’s homes.
It only takes 10 partners on 2 levels to MULTIPLY and INCREASE our effectiveness.
10 partners @ $200 /mo = Crusades, Remote Villages, Travel, Starting Churches
10 partners @ $100 /mo = Base living expenses to Discipling Nations
Yes, we can live on just $1000/mo overseas and impact eternity.
Only $2000 more to multiply the harvest, reaching the unreached.
THIS IS THE BEST PLACE TO SOW into the Kingdom ! Why ?
People tithe faithfully every week to many big ministries and 95% goes to overhead and salaries leaving less than 3-5% for the Great Commission.
We put the gospel first and our needs last. We have no car payments, no mortgage, no debt or salary. When you sow with us, your money goes to spread the gospel! Our hearts are to GO reach those who are hungry for the truth of God’s love.
This is the Great Commission…
Matthew 28:19 Go make disciples of all nations, teaching them…
Mark 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the Good News…
Luke 24:47 Repentance and remission of sins should be preached to all nations…
John 20:21 As the Father sent me, I send you…
Acts 1:8 You shall be my witnesses … to the ends of the Earth. This is what Jesus told believers 5 times to do. Nowhere did he say build a big church and make it comfortable so everyone is blessed and content. Jesus said Go, Nations, Send, to the ends of the Earth … Partner with us. Lets do it Together!
This is for YOU to MULTIPLY and INCREASE also NOW in this time. 2Cor9:10 God supplies seed for you to give and bread for your needs will MULTIPLY what you have given and INCREASE the fruits of your righteousness, WHILE YOU ARE ENRICHED IN ALL THINGS causing thanks giving to God. This is your promise NOW.
Also we’re looking for Partners who will give at least 3-5% of their business or personal income monthly to Go Harvesting so we can be an extension of you and spend more time doing what we are all called to do, harvesting the Kingdom of God!
Follow what the Spirit is telling you now, click the Donate button . . . It’s that easy
https://i0.wp.com/goharvesting.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/FHugGirl1.jpg?fit=2606%2C1954&ssl=119542606GoAdminhttp://goharvesting.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/go-harvesting-logo-header-gold-300x61.pngGoAdmin2014-05-31 14:01:132015-03-19 12:38:322014 Spring – Guatemala Results Jan 11 – April 1
An amazing door of opportunity has opened for us to do a larger crusade to reach 5-10,000 in the remote Andes mountains of Peru partnering with John Smithwick. We will stay for a month doing follow-up, leadership training, discipleship for sustained kingdom growth and smaller village crusades. Fresh pioneering, love it.
Heading back to Guatemala for 3 weeks on June 20th. We are focusing on hard to reach teens by holding a skateboard & bike trick tournament then preach during the awards ceremony & winners exhibition in the city park. This draws great crowds and a great harvest. As you know, we all wish our teen years had turned in a Godly direction.
We will host a missions team with many meetings with teens & youth. Also continuing to disciple children, take groceries to 50 needy families with hungry children, do 2 feeding centers, minister in orphanages, bible clubs, churches & hug the cutest little kids ever.
We had fantastic results on our last trip where over 800 students raised their hands to have a relationship with Jesus. How exciting that we could preach in a public school and lives changed for eternity. The principal said, “No one has ever ministered to the teens – this was the first time, please come back again.” That is what keeps us going into the nations where the gospel has never been preached before.
God is calling us more into full time missions. We are looking for 10 partners to invest just $200 on a monthly basis and 10 at $100. We have almost no overhead, no car payments and no mortgage because our hearts are to GO share God’s Love, Power & Glory to all the world.
THIS IS THE BEST PLACE TO SOW into the Kingdom. Why?
There are many good ministries people give to every week, but few put more than 3-5% into the Great Commission and almost no one puts the money to spreading the gospel before their personal needs, home, cars, overhead… We do.
Expenses June 20 to Aug 11 are:
Guatemala- 3 weeks – $ 900.00
Peru – 1 month – 1,200.00
Flights – 2 @1300 – 2,600.00
Crusades – 3,000.00
As our friend, Pastor Jim Collins in Jupiter, FL says “We are all called to the Great Commission, you GO or you send. I’m not going so I’m going to send them”.
Together WE CAN ALL fulfill the Great Commission. Will you help us bring in the harvest for His glory?
Go to the bottom of this page and hit the DONATE button. It’s that easy.
Thank you for teaming up with us to GO Harvest the world!
We love and appreciate you.
Fielding & Carla Cage
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