The Next Adventure! Summer in Guatemala & Peru
An amazing door of opportunity has opened for us to do a larger crusade to reach 5-10,000 in the remote Andes mountains of Peru partnering with John Smithwick. We will stay for a month doing follow-up, leadership training, discipleship for sustained kingdom growth and smaller village crusades. Fresh pioneering, love it.
Heading back to Guatemala for 3 weeks on June 20th. We are focusing on hard to reach teens by holding a skateboard & bike trick tournament then preach during the awards ceremony & winners exhibition in the city park. This draws great crowds and a great harvest. As you know, we all wish our teen years had turned in a Godly direction.
We will host a missions team with many meetings with teens & youth. Also continuing to disciple children, take groceries to 50 needy families with hungry children, do 2 feeding centers, minister in orphanages, bible clubs, churches & hug the cutest little kids ever.
We had fantastic results on our last trip where over 800 students raised their hands to have a relationship with Jesus. How exciting that we could preach in a public school and lives changed for eternity. The principal said, “No one has ever ministered to the teens – this was the first time, please come back again.” That is what keeps us going into the nations where the gospel has never been preached before.
God is calling us more into full time missions. We are looking for 10 partners to invest just $200 on a monthly basis and 10 at $100. We have almost no overhead, no car payments and no mortgage because our hearts are to GO share God’s Love, Power & Glory to all the world.
THIS IS THE BEST PLACE TO SOW into the Kingdom. Why?
There are many good ministries people give to every week, but few put more than 3-5% into the Great Commission and almost no one puts the money to spreading the gospel before their personal needs, home, cars, overhead… We do.
Expenses June 20 to Aug 11 are:
Guatemala- 3 weeks – $ 900.00
Peru – 1 month – 1,200.00
Flights – 2 @1300 – 2,600.00
Crusades – 3,000.00
As our friend, Pastor Jim Collins in Jupiter, FL says “We are all called to the Great Commission, you GO or you send. I’m not going so I’m going to send them”.
Together WE CAN ALL fulfill the Great Commission. Will you help us bring in the harvest for His glory?
Go to the bottom of this page and hit the DONATE button. It’s that easy.
Thank you for teaming up with us to GO Harvest the world!
We love and appreciate you.
Fielding & Carla Cage